Friday, August 2, 2024


My Individual View


So much is being said about the upcoming election particularly in regard to Kamala Harris. When I listened to the different views about her candidacy, I was calmly assaulted with the following thoughts…


Black people listen with black skin…we need to stop listening with the color of our skin and start listening with an intelligent mind. You say you are “woke” but you are still sleeping in the oppression of a party that suppressed you. Close your woke eyes and open your spiritual eyes to righteousness. What they are saying has blinded you…listen intelligently to what they are not saying and look realistically at what they have not done. My pocket is hurting, I’m ready to have some money left over after I pay bills. Give me an administration that is more concerned with the economy and morality. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote against where our country is headed if we continue to listen erroneously and follow what our race has historically and blindly believed about the party that tricked us into the welfare trap.


You may call me a sellout and take my black card for what I just said. Guess what, you didn’t give me my black card so you can’t take it. Furthermore, if you gave it to me, I quote Queen Latifah in Beauty Shop, " I giveth back". And guess what else…I said what I said and I’m still black (whether I have a card or not). 


Now, I ask you a question: are black people individuals or monolithic clones waiting for the controlled black elite to tell us how to think? Me personally, I’m intelligent enough to think for myself and choose as an individual and not a collective culture. Yes, we need to stick together as black people, but we also need to be an individual (and recognize) when black people get it wrong. And not feel like I can’t speak out as an individual because I don’t agree with what the “black folk” say black folk should do because you are black. To quote Sister Mary Clarence in Sister Act 2, “how dare you step out and be an individual”. I’m black, and I’m stepping out…I vote  the way I see things and not because I am “colored” (that’s what we were when the Dems trapped us in their back pockets).


Wake up black people…just because Kamala Harris is “black”, went to an HCBU, and is a part of the D9 does not mean she will be a good president. Vote intelligently.