Friday, September 6, 2024

Blackness—A God?


I recently heard a message on YouTube titled: “The Spirit of Compromise: Part 2 (The God of Blackness)” by Apostle Alton R. Williams of World Overcomers Church; that message was so on point to what has happened to the Black culture. We are so in tuned to our Blackness we have inadvertently made it a god and it is fogging our thinking as individuals. 


There was a time when we needed to perpetuate our Blackness because it was shunned and offered the idea that we were less than. There are still moments when we need to sound off; like the cases of missing black girls that do not get the same coverage as our counterparts, and the injustice that sometimes occur in arrest records and court cases. For the most part, I would like to think we know who we are as a people now and have made strides with who we are without having to constantly shout it out. Some of us are so loud with our "blackness" I wonder who you are trying to convince—the world or yourself. Who is making you think you still have to shout it out when it's not necessary? Sometimes you can make a more profound impact if you let your quiet spirit speak for you rather than your mouth. 


In recent years the phrase “black girl magic” is constantly used to purport what happens when black talented women accomplish greatness. My dear Black girl, it is not magic…it is by virtue of who you are as a person and your hard work that garnered you the success you enjoy, not the color of your skin. And dare I say it—your success more than likely came from the grace of God.  Rather than give credence to and holler “black girl magic” let your actions and character speak for you, give honor to where it’s due and your blackness will shine without you saying a word. 


The most preposterous of all is this notion…we have to vote Democrat just because we are Black. Yes, it was a Democrat that passed the Civil Rights Act (which was a good thing); the Democrats created the welfare system (which is a questionable thing). I’m wondering…what has the Democrats done for us in recent years? I may have missed it so can someone please inform me. Oh yeah, they brainwashed us to think if we don’t vote Democrat, we are not black (some of us didn’t fall for that). This part of being black is the most dangerous part of the "god of blackness".


In my last post I issued the challenge to step away and be an individual; I continue that challenge. Most of us are afraid to step away because we fear what our fellow black brothers and sisters will say. We may get ostracized like Tina Campbell; a brave individual I applaud for stepping away and voting according to her beliefs and not the color of her skin. 


As Black people we want to see a change with better times for us in our country—my dear Black people that will not happen until we start to vote for righteous issues rather than erroneous party policies; and above all remember to serve the God of creation instead of the god of blackness. 


Let us strive to have a peaceful existence in who God created us to be as an individual and not live according to the color He gave us.


You are more than your color—stop acting like that’s all that matters. 


Lord, please don’t let my blackness lead me astray. I want the courage to step away and follow Your way—in all things each and every day. Give me the ability to see beyond the color of my skin—be bold and serve righteousness from within. The skin color covering my person does not take away from or make me who I am. What I do for You solidifies me in Your diagram. When I shout out who I am let the words of my mouth be acceptable in Your sight and exhibit Godly prevalence through the morning noon and night. Amen.

FYI: Here is the link for the YouTube message I referenced in my opening paragraph:

The Spirit of Compromise: Part 2 (The God of Blackness) - YouTube