Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Thoughts Past and Present


I heard a song last night that gripped who I am as a triumphant warrior in Jesus Christ. It encapsulates my entire journey through life. 

 ðŸŽ¶There’s a light in my life shining over me🎶

(The lyric from the song "There is a Light" by Liz Vice that inspired my thoughts)

A Shining Light

From the day I was born
Life’s battles were already won
In my mind they were hard battles I fought
Battles made easy 
By dwelling in the divine peace I sought 
Peace shining a light over me
A celestial light human eyes cannot see
From the day I was born 
Victory was mine 
How do I know
There’s a light shining over me
In the moments when I want to flee
I can’t 
That light has a hold on me
So I keep moving in the light that is shining over me
Thank God for The Light that is shining over me
The Light that provides peace in the storm and sets me free
When my vision is cloudy...and I can’t move 
I make it through because of The Light that is shining over me
Illuminating the path where I should be

Seek The Light 
That is forever and always…shining…cleansing…healing…restoring 
It’s a heavenly light we will one day see

…if you know Him…

That light has been shining over me all my life…even when I didn’t know it
Now it’s my time to show it

 Feb 18, 2025 at 12:23PM 


Inner warrior Rising

Rise up
Rise up with a vengeance!
Take back what the devil has stolen 
That pain belongs to him
You belong to the Lord
So inner warrior rise up 
Fight with the Glory of who you are
A Child of the King
A member of the Royal Priesthood—the Holy Nation
A Lion of Judah
A Conqueror 
A Sword Bearer
A Spiritual Warrior 
A Fighter!
Rise up Inner Warrior 
And fight 
Fight with a vengeance!
 Feb 4, 2025 at 12:49PM 


I Will Live and Not Die

A shadow lingers over my countenance 
Its grip will not take hold of my spirit 
I am alive and free in Jesus Christ 
For this…His blood paid the ultimate price 
I will live and not die 
Here’s the reason why
He loves me
He heals me
He suffered on the cross just for me
No greater love can a creator have for His created than to lay down His life 
So that I may live and not die
Though my earthly temple will one day fade away 
I will live forever because Christ died for my eternity 
I may walk through valleys filled with shadows of death
Fear will not overtake me 
Nor will those shadows control my countenance 
I am filled with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit
That gives me life…and I will freely and joyfully live it
I will live life in victory…courageously sharing what God has done for me
In suffering He has set me free
In His eternal sacrifice I will live and never die
 Jan 9, 2025 at 9:37AM 


A reality that has come to be
A process I don’t want to see
At the cross I make my plea
There I have a guarantee 
Surgery was dealt with 
…on Calvary 
 Dec 13, 2024 at 9:51PM 

Monday, February 10, 2025

The Path…In Peace


This c-word journey has been an interesting one. I almost want to say amazing because of the favor I have received from my Father. God has sustained me and brought me through with flying colors. (I sometimes feel survivor’s guilt because I have friends that are really having a hard time in their battle.) Though the journey is not over I have no doubt His favor will continue throughout. Surgery went well, all cancer is gone, and recovery has been easier than most.  Next step…radiation. Best part…no chemo! A hormone blocker is unfortunately in my repertoire. 


Prior to this phase in my life, I heard a song by Oleta Adams titled "A Place of Peace". When I first heard this song, it spoke to me with the beauty of the request. At the genesis of my journey Holy Spirit placed the song in my spirit and I listened again, this time more intently than previous times…in the listening I knew my place of peace was not a physical place but a spiritual place that lived inside my heart. To this place I attribute all the success I have had thus far in this journey. 


My initial prayer was Lord heal me supernaturally so I can be a testimonial to Your miraculous healing power. Once as I prayed, He showed me three paths:

  1. I get that miraculous healing 
  2. I receive healing by going through the process 
  3. I meet Him face to face (which we will all do someday)

Either way I win…to live is Christ to die is gain. 


As I journeyed through procedure after procedure, I endured them well and kept waiting for them to tell me the c-word is gone, we don’t see it anymore. When they requested a magnification of the area before the procedure that precedes surgery. I knew this was going to be the one where I would get the triumphant news. As I sat there waiting for them to come back…I prayed. In my prayer I came to a silent resolve in my spirit and saw those three paths. I began singing a song:


🎶 whatever path I go down I won’t cry I won’t frown I see Your hand holding mine with a love that binds🎶


Then came the results…results that did not send me soaring into triumphant victory. I walked solemnly to my car and sang my new song to a friend that called to check on me. As I drove away my heart, my mind, and my soul knew what they had to do—dwell in my place of peace. That’s where I live moment by moment. 


In that song the lyricist wrote of Jesus’ time in the Garden of Gethsemane. My soul latched on to the part…"take this bitter cup from me, yet not my will but Yours be done". I knew in that moment God has a purpose and a plan for me to travel path #2. I can travel it in turmoil, or I can travel it in peace. I am reminded of His words that admonish us to count it all joy when we fall into various trials. How dare I go through this as if I don’t know who He is. what He will do and how He will bring me through. And still—give me a testimony. 

 Feb 4, 2025 at 10:34AM 


                               From God’s Great Blessings Devotional 
                                Feb 4, 2025 at 5:27PM