Wednesday, October 25, 2017


October 24…this day always made my mama sad

This was the day she was spared, and we tragically lost my dad

God kept her here and she lost one of the things she held most dear

She was a miracle in the midst of his tragedy

Why Lord, did you want her to stay

And a fatal bullet took my dad away

Was it that on this earth she had more to say

Some say it wasn’t her time

And for that only You know the reason and the rhyme

Here I sit on this day—remembering him, and remembering her

For now, they both have gone away

I can no longer hear what either of them have to say

In this moment of time in my life

I wish I could once again glean from their wisdom and advice…

October is a month of mixed feelings made of joy and cloaked with sadness of entrances and exits:

                On the 2nd Makayla made her entrance into the world *
                On the 3rd my mom made her exit

                On the 5th I made my entrance

                On the 24th my dad made his exit

How does one keep the joy of the entrances and not let them get overshadowed by the exits?

You dwell on the joy of each entrance and the good memories you had before the exits—placing all in God’s hands and live in the comfort of His love.

*(Read Makayla's story in my 2009 blog)

Awaken The Dawn!

Have you ever done something you want to do again and again, and keep doing it…that’s the feeling I have about Awaken the Dawn/The Call.  I want to go back to The National Mall in Washington D.C., be with the people I went with; hear the songs we sang; share the experience of electrifying worship; engage in deep heartfelt prayer; be inspired by impassioned messages; walk among the tents hearing the different styles of worship and prayer from each state and region, unique yet sharing the same message—but most of all basking in the presence of God! A presence that surrounded the entire area.

There was a call to our nation that weekend: we need to invite God's presence back into our homes, our schools, our workplace, our government, our entertainment, our relationships, and yes, even our churches…we need to kneel down and passionately make 2Chr. 7:14 a part of our daily ritual. We are His people called by His name, so let's humble ourselves, and pray and seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, and will forgive our sin and heal our land! As one speaker pointed out we often overlook the next verse: 2Chr. 7:15, “Now my eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” We cried out and invited our Lord back to our nation…we thank you Lord that your eyes are open, and your ears are attentive to the prayers made in that place on October 6-9, 2017!

The catch phrase for me that weekend was from speaker Heidi Baker: “what does love look like” …so eloquently repeated several times until it saturated your spirit. Love looks like us sharing God’s love, and not just sharing God’s love but being God’s love.

God had a purpose and a plan for each person in attendance—I can’t wait for Him to reveal mine…

Praying at the Supreme Court

Prayer at the White House
Praying on the Capitol grounds

(I'm sorry the video will not play) 

We had a blast! God is on the move...

Be blessed my friends…in His Spirit

Monday, October 2, 2017

An Open Door

One of the greatest things about visiting family is communing with those that are rich in the wisdom of the Lord and hears His voice. I have a family member here in San Diego that is blessed with that richness.

Like myself she loves the beauty of the ocean and often walks along the shore. While on her walk one day at LaJolla Shores God shared His wisdom with her through a visual revelation walking under the pier. The columns caught her attention as the waves crashed against them. She saw those crashing waves as challenges.
Life brings many challenges; walking in the grace of God you can see His plan as you go through these challenges and experience what He has for you in the completion. At the end of those crashing challenges that each column represented, my cousin saw an open door leading to the vastness of the ocean. The big beautiful ocean! I loved what she called this door—an open door of endless possibilities. Isn’t that what God has for us—possibilities that are as big as the ocean and never quit, all we have to do is trust and receive.
Our challenges may seem insurmountable as they crash against us, but compared to the vastness of the ocean…they become endless possibilities. Let’s walk through that open door—and enjoy all He has for us… 

I witnessed her revelation

Peace in the journey

The Senses of My Journey

I see you in the beauty of a rose

I see you in the color green

I feel you in the breath of the wind

Your fragrant love tingles my nose

I hear you in the silence of my heart

As I rest in the color blue

I want to experience You face to face

Before I leave the beauty of this place

Please hear my heart’s cry

Let me learn from You eye to eye—ear to ear

And let me know I have nothing to fear

Wherever this journey takes me

Your beauty is all I want to see, feel, touch, and hear

Then I’ll know Your presence is always near

As I leave this place

I may not always see beauty in my surroundings

But the joy of Your love will always be there

Embracing me with Your graceful care.

I love you Lord—now and forever more...