Monday, October 2, 2017

An Open Door

One of the greatest things about visiting family is communing with those that are rich in the wisdom of the Lord and hears His voice. I have a family member here in San Diego that is blessed with that richness.

Like myself she loves the beauty of the ocean and often walks along the shore. While on her walk one day at LaJolla Shores God shared His wisdom with her through a visual revelation walking under the pier. The columns caught her attention as the waves crashed against them. She saw those crashing waves as challenges.
Life brings many challenges; walking in the grace of God you can see His plan as you go through these challenges and experience what He has for you in the completion. At the end of those crashing challenges that each column represented, my cousin saw an open door leading to the vastness of the ocean. The big beautiful ocean! I loved what she called this door—an open door of endless possibilities. Isn’t that what God has for us—possibilities that are as big as the ocean and never quit, all we have to do is trust and receive.
Our challenges may seem insurmountable as they crash against us, but compared to the vastness of the ocean…they become endless possibilities. Let’s walk through that open door—and enjoy all He has for us… 

I witnessed her revelation

Peace in the journey

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