Thursday, January 18, 2018

A Pathway to Intimacy

I have traded the tranquil sounds of the St. John’s River for the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean. My time in Jacksonville, FL was well spent as I travelled a pathway back into intimacy with God. I spent Thanksgiving there not really wanting to celebrate the holidays in the traditional sense, but desiring to spend time in His presence being thankful for where He is leading me in this journey.

I am now in San Diego, CA where I spent the holidays and will reside here for a long minute. Coming here hasn’t been what I expected…I knew that coming in; but then nothing on this journey has gone according to the expected. God is doing a new thing and when He is doing a new thing you sometimes feel like your life is not your own, and in a sense—it isn’t. As the psalmist sang, “my life is not my own, to you I belong” (you know the rest). I am relearning the old familiar with a new perspective.

As a longtime single I relished in my long moments of uninterrupted solitude. Those moments were habitual attitudes I cherished. I am now relearning to share my dwelling space, and that my quiet moments will be shortened with the cares and joys of others in my life. To paraphrase Bishop Dale Bronner— if you don’t break old habits nothing in the new year will change; nothing is new for you until you get a new perspective. While I’m not seeking to change spending time alone in His presence, I am seeking and asking the Father to help me accept the change in how and where I spend that time with Him; and embrace the new pathway to intimacy that is forthcoming with others in my space.

The final destination of my journey is still yet to be determined. To quote Bishop Bronner again, “you are not defined by where you are, you are defined by who you are”. Where I am in the physical sense is becoming irrelevant—the more important consideration is where I am in the spirit. Spiritually I am in a good place. I like knowing whose I am no matter where I am or who I’m with. Wherever my journey takes me, I will always travel the pathway that leads to intimacy with the Father.


Unknown said...

A profound word I need to ponder. I am glad for the peace you have found in your journey. There are many points that are applicable to mine as well. To God be the glory in all things! Much love, Carla

Vanessa Neely said...

Love you too Carla...would love to hear those compatible points.

Unknown said...

Unexpected changes. God is doing a new thing -- I don't know what. Definitely feel life is not my own. I'm okay with it as I know my purpose is to glorify Him. Not looking ahead, not demanding to know what's going on. Content in knowing that He has a greater purpose. He will never leave me or forsake me. He wants to give me His best. He is ordering my steps. I have never had fewer answers and never been more content.

Vanessa Neely said...

I feel you on all of those, especially the contentment with no answers. It is amazing how the less we know the better we are, our trust in Him is stronger.

Unknown said...

Hey cuz, that was a 'deep' word! You are in God's hands and He knows where to place you! Love ya, Gwen

Vanessa Neely said...

He is doing a good job isn’t He! Love you cuz ��