I learned a little something about our history
And the poem written by Francis Scott Key
In a battle that was intensely heated
He was overjoyed that the British were defeated
He penned “land of the free, home of the brave”
Feeling elated when he saw the flag making a gallant
The third verse relishing that they couldn’t save
The flight of the slave from the sorrow of the grave
What was the reason behind the third verse written by
Francis Scott Key
That shaped our lives and tarnished our history
Into our past I thought I would delve
And found a hidden reason behind the War of 1812
Maritime slave Impressment from the British made the
U.S. very skittish
Land of the free and home of the brave wanted to keep
the black man his forever slave
With reserve and false nobility the British sought to
set the U.S. slave free
Without jeopardizing what they had in the West Indies
When he looked out and saw the British defeat
He wrote the third verse making his jubilant feelings
Plantations and slavery would continue to define
southern life
Confining the black man in bondage and strife
Justice written back then didn’t include us
Now we look at the flag and raise a gallant fuss
Demanding the freedom they wouldn’t give
So life for us would be worthy to live
Hatred and outrage can rise pretty quick
We see this with Nike and Colin Kaepernick
It’s sad when a race is looked at with disdain
Because their ancestors didn’t stay bound in a chain
While the Star-Spangled Banner is sung, and the flag
still waves
What does it mean for the descendants of the slaves
Some don’t want us to speak out it will make things
We ask—what can they glean from Francis Scott Key’s
third verse
Learning our history can make a weak man bitter and hard
We must remember our deliverance lies in the wisdom and
knowledge of God
When others make life unbearable to live our real Master
and Savior taught us to forgive
In Him we find our peace in hopes our struggle will someday