Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Simple and Plain

My battery is running on dead…
With ten thousand thoughts jumbled in my head

Lord, I need You to make things simple and plain
Before this crazy world drives me insane

I’m constantly wondering what should I do
Forgetting the outcome is left up to you

I need my thoughts to stay plain and simple
Remembering my body is your Holy temple

Down in the valley or drowning at sea
You’ll always be my King of Glory

Wherever I am that’s where You reign
Your peace and love is mine to gain...

Resting in a pasture of green
Increasing my faith in the things unseen

Into my soul Your presence does seep
Where that plain and simple runs very deep

No more jumbled thoughts swirling in my brain
You’ve already made it simple and plain

When you’re in His Holy temple
It’s more than plain and simple

This is the place for me to come clean
Allowing the Holy Spirit to paint a different scene

On the canvas of my heart
He gave me a brand-new start

The power of His presence is so strong and so glorious
You feel your life is full and victorious

He leaves His seal of radiance shining on your face
Showing you have been in a Holy Place

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