Saturday, November 3, 2018

October Revisited

October—and the feelings it brings
I get off an emotional roller coaster when it leaves

I’ve always disliked October because of Halloween
And the eerie spookiness it splatters on the scene

It does however, have a redeeming quality—it’s my birth month; but that’s over in the first week.
Another redeeming quality—it brought us MaKayla, our miracle baby, who has been with us ten years now. Thank God for giving her a second chance with the heart transplant. 

Besides Halloween October now has two more dents—there were two exits I’ve come to resent. My mom and dad both left me in this month. The emotional memories started like a feather resting in the wind then became a runaway train bursting through a fog; reminding me what I wrote last year in my blog. I wrote of the entrances and exits that October brought. MaKayla and I being the entrances and my mom and dad being the exits.

I’ve had a year now to contemplate how I feel—rather than focus on the exits I am now looking at it all as entrances. My parents didn’t just exit this world they made their entrance into a better world—in October they entered heaven. My dad in mom in 2016; and I'm learning what letting go really means.


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