Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Inside My Head

I am always in my head
It’s hard for me to relate
People can’t see what’s going on inside of me
Sitting alone in my room doing nothing
While inside of my head I’m doing something

It’s a quiet place that makes a lot of noise
Noise that only I can hear
A place for me to escape
Where thoughts come and thoughts go
Trying hard to keep life on an even flow

Seeing things from a heart point of view
Giving me clarity on what I should do
What’s up, what’s down
What makes my world go round

Is it wrong to live inside my head…
Reminiscing on things once said
Flushing out the negative
Inviting in the positive
Being true to myself
Finding out who I am
What I want to be
Who I have become…

Inside my head things aren’t always clear
I look up and draw His spirit near
Then I began to see His power working inside my head
Imparting thoughts that will one day be printed and widely read

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