Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Dark Spirit

You step up in a path where you’re not wanted

Trying to spread your lifeless fear

Wanting to expel what you don’t want me to hear

Exploiting what you want to empower

Tremble—this is your last hour

I say to you...dark spirit back up off of me

There’s strength here your eyes are too blind to see

His voice is stronger than yours will ever be

Saying no matter what you’re listening to

I can still speak to you

I belong to Him

He belongs to me

I’m His and He’s mine

We roll with a love that will last a lifetime

No obstacle will keep that love from me

He looked down on this docile child and gave her a winning smile

Spreading His arms in abundant care

He gave up His life with no despair

Dark spirit your days are numbered

Defeated by a strength that’s meek, wise, and humble

No matter what you try to do

I will always be more than a conqueror

Your temptations He defeated

At His right hand I am seated

So dark spirit...back up off of me!

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