Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Not Alone

I’m sitting here by myself
Not feeling alone
I’m sitting here by myself
Feeling full and complete

Sitting here by myself…I reminisce
Of the many moments in my time spent alone
Basking in quiet moments of solitude
Sometimes by choice—sometimes not
Sometimes feeling alone—sometimes not
In those quiet times my thoughts run random
While pondering on things specific

In those quiet moments I think of lessons learned
I think of things I wish I had done
I look forward to things that are yet to come
In those quiet moments alone…
I wish sometimes I wasn’t alone
All the while enjoying this quiet place
Soaking in the presence that fills my space

That presence is where I want to stay
It gets me through a lonely day
I look up and receive His joy
His occupation I want to employ
I spread my arms and let Him in
Receiving grace and mercy that’s flows within
He’s with me in my quiet space, therefore…

I’m sitting here by myself
Not feeling alone
I’m sitting here by myself
Feeling full and complete

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