Friday, May 17, 2019

His Words

I learned through experience that His Word is written on the tablet of my heart...

When I stopped reading and studying in anger and asked Him to wipe away everything I knew about the word and especially man’s interpretation that had infiltrated my mind...He did. But when the anger was gone and forgiven, I found myself in a place where I needed the word...and there it was spilling from my heart, soothing the hurts within...bringing healing and restoration.
His words—gone from my mind, but not my heart.
Thank you Lord for writing Your word on the tablet of my heart, and turning the page on "a dark night of the soul"; bringing me back to an anointed place with You—a place that is redeemed, fresh and new...fresh like Your mercies glistening in the glow of the morning dew.

"My son, keep my words, And treasure my commands within you. Keep my commands and live, And my law as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; Write them on the tablet of your heart."
Proverbs 7:1-3 NKJV

In times of hurt and desperation we do and say things we regret and they come back to haunt us. But praise God for redemption and His lack of condemnation. Because He gives them so freely we can live a forgiven life with no regrets...just lessons learned.

Keep my words and treasure them within your heart
From your inner being they will never depart
Keep my commands—in obedience, with them you will forever live
Just as you are the apple of my eye make my words the apple of your eye
A ring of gold bound on your finger and written on the tablet of your heart
His words are a treasure...from us they will never depart
No matter how hard we try
We can wipe them from our mind but they linger on in our heart
A treasure that will forever stay and never ever go away
Thank You Father!

Sunday, May 12, 2019


A radiant face comes to those that look to the lord
A radiant face has no shame
No shame of the gospel
No shame in magnifying His name
Those that look to the Lord are radiant
They have a joy that is heaven sent
In their sins they claim the blame
Once living their life in shame
No more says the Lord of Hosts 
While filling them with the Holy Ghost
Shining His radiance on their face as they dwell in His holy place

A radiant face doesn’t shine with shame
A radiant face has cried to Him
He delivered them from their shame
He delivered them from their fears
He wiped away their tears

A radiant face magnifies the Lord
They let their incense rise—let go of the blame 
And walk out of their shame
A radiant face exalts His name
Enjoys a taste that is good
A radiant face exudes radiance
A radiance that comes to those that continually look to the Lord
Not ashamed to let His radiance shine
...all the time

From My Trip Oil Flows

Do you sometimes wish you could turn back the hands of time...

In April I wish time could have stood still for a moment ... thinking about my trip home to
Georgia and Florida; and how I enjoyed some beautiful moments that brought peace, wisdom and joy.
Thank You Lord for family and friends!

One particular experience that will forever hold a place in my heart is my trip to 
Dalton, GA where there is a bible dripping with oil. Sounds unbelievable...but it's true.
The story can be read here: 

Out of that experience I penned these words entitled "The Flowing Oil"

Thank You Father for the oil...
Oil of wisdom
To hear and know the knowledge of Your will
Oil of forgiveness
To live at peace with our fellow man
Oil of gratefulness
Thanking You for what You have done, are doing, and will do
An oil of gladness
An oil of joy
Flowing from Your word for every man woman girl and boy
An oil of healing
An oil of change
An anointed oil that will transform and rearrange

An oil that can change the heart and soul of America
Upholding what is right, just and true
Bringing our nation on its knees back to You

An oil that heals the broken hearted
Uplifts the downtrodden
Bring strength to the weak
Help the lost find what he seeks

An oil of triumph and victory for the humble and the meek
An oil that flows from the power of Your name
With its divine touch we will never be the same

An oil that could be easily misunderstood
For those that believe taste and see that this oil is good

An oil of unconditional love
Sent to us from the Father above

~Thank You Father for the oil flowing from Your name~

The name on the bible is Jerry Pierce; he calls himself the former owner, stating the bible now belongs to God.

I Believe

I believe in dreams

I dream of what I can do and what I can become

I hope my dreams will come true

I believe I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

I believe in the hope that keeps my dreams alive...

I believe in the gifts You have given me

I believe they are whole and complete

I believe they will manifest deeper when time with You I seek

I believe this is the end of shattered dreams and things will no longer be as desolate as they seem

I believe the desires of my heart will be a sweet gift from You

I believe You have ordained my dreams to come true

I believe my dreams will be taken from the shelf bringing me treasures far greater than wealth

I believe in the hope that keeps my dreams alive...

I believe my dreams will never die but will forever survive

I believe in the hope that soars through my heart and I do more than survive—I thrive

I believe He speaks to my inner man giving me courage to make a bold audacious stand

I believe my hopes and dreams He hears and He knows

I believe on the third day—just for me—He arose

That’s why in my dreams I have a hope that affirms what I believe

I believe in the hope that keeps my dreams alive...

~I believe He loves me~           and