Sunday, May 12, 2019

From My Trip Oil Flows

Do you sometimes wish you could turn back the hands of time...

In April I wish time could have stood still for a moment ... thinking about my trip home to
Georgia and Florida; and how I enjoyed some beautiful moments that brought peace, wisdom and joy.
Thank You Lord for family and friends!

One particular experience that will forever hold a place in my heart is my trip to 
Dalton, GA where there is a bible dripping with oil. Sounds unbelievable...but it's true.
The story can be read here: 

Out of that experience I penned these words entitled "The Flowing Oil"

Thank You Father for the oil...
Oil of wisdom
To hear and know the knowledge of Your will
Oil of forgiveness
To live at peace with our fellow man
Oil of gratefulness
Thanking You for what You have done, are doing, and will do
An oil of gladness
An oil of joy
Flowing from Your word for every man woman girl and boy
An oil of healing
An oil of change
An anointed oil that will transform and rearrange

An oil that can change the heart and soul of America
Upholding what is right, just and true
Bringing our nation on its knees back to You

An oil that heals the broken hearted
Uplifts the downtrodden
Bring strength to the weak
Help the lost find what he seeks

An oil of triumph and victory for the humble and the meek
An oil that flows from the power of Your name
With its divine touch we will never be the same

An oil that could be easily misunderstood
For those that believe taste and see that this oil is good

An oil of unconditional love
Sent to us from the Father above

~Thank You Father for the oil flowing from Your name~

The name on the bible is Jerry Pierce; he calls himself the former owner, stating the bible now belongs to God.

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