Friday, May 17, 2019

His Words

I learned through experience that His Word is written on the tablet of my heart...

When I stopped reading and studying in anger and asked Him to wipe away everything I knew about the word and especially man’s interpretation that had infiltrated my mind...He did. But when the anger was gone and forgiven, I found myself in a place where I needed the word...and there it was spilling from my heart, soothing the hurts within...bringing healing and restoration.
His words—gone from my mind, but not my heart.
Thank you Lord for writing Your word on the tablet of my heart, and turning the page on "a dark night of the soul"; bringing me back to an anointed place with You—a place that is redeemed, fresh and new...fresh like Your mercies glistening in the glow of the morning dew.

"My son, keep my words, And treasure my commands within you. Keep my commands and live, And my law as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers; Write them on the tablet of your heart."
Proverbs 7:1-3 NKJV

In times of hurt and desperation we do and say things we regret and they come back to haunt us. But praise God for redemption and His lack of condemnation. Because He gives them so freely we can live a forgiven life with no regrets...just lessons learned.

Keep my words and treasure them within your heart
From your inner being they will never depart
Keep my commands—in obedience, with them you will forever live
Just as you are the apple of my eye make my words the apple of your eye
A ring of gold bound on your finger and written on the tablet of your heart
His words are a treasure...from us they will never depart
No matter how hard we try
We can wipe them from our mind but they linger on in our heart
A treasure that will forever stay and never ever go away
Thank You Father!

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