Friday, June 28, 2019

What Can We Do

In my previous post I expressed my view on homosexuality. I have since engaged in some research on how the church should respond to this issue. I was struck by a passage I read in a pamphlet entitled “How Should We Respond? - An exhortation to the church on loving the homosexual” By Joe Dallas

"If you have a homosexual loved one, relative, friend or co-worker, you can do them a powerful service by asking them, “What is life like for you? I want to know you. I want to hear about your experience. I want you to know I’m interested in you, not as an object of conversion,  but as someone I care about."

How different could we be if this was our sincere response...I have a whole new perspective on my emotions.

Joe also brought out some very convicting points on how the church has responded and how we should respond. While I’m not faced in my personal space with anyone struggling with this I do see it everyday on the media and wonder how to react if I am faced with it up close and personal. If like me you are wondering how to respond I suggest reading the literature I mentioned above. You can find it among other resources here:  

Saturday, June 22, 2019

We Need Real Men

Will the real men please stand up...

There are not enough real men anymore. Every time I look at tv I spot a man with female tendencies; the sad part—he’s proud of it.... it grieves my heart.

Where have the real men gone...

Why are they are turning to each other...

It is interesting that the gay community use the word "pride" when pride is the fall of man. Our men are falling, we are losing them.

On a segment of Sister Circle Live, Bishop Clyde Allen founder of The Vision Cathedral of Atlanta known as “The Vision Church” was hailed as setting many gay people free and helping them live in their truth. What he refuses to see and acknowledge is "their truth" is a lie.

His quote: "if you don’t live in your truth, you die in your lie". (He got big applause)

I say: "you are confused about the truth, and already dead in your just don’t know it". (I wonder what kind of applause will I get)

I already know...backlash and ridicule, because the people in that lifestyle (and its supporters) can’t handle the truth. They talk louder and more often to hush the voice of conviction so they can continue to feel comfortable in their lie.

We need real men that are not being persuaded by this lie to refute what the enemy is trying to steal and stand up for what is morally right so we can have more real men.

Unfortunately, more women are starting to live that same lie.

What would happen if every male and female decided they were gay and lived a homosexual lifestyle...
What would happen to procreation in the world...
...the human race would cease to exist...

If gay men and women don’t recognize the real truth they will die in their lie.

Real men…stand up—we need you.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Does Life and Death Coexist

Life and death does coexist
We were born to die
The beauty of life
Becomes the sadness in death

Life lived in the light 
Escapes the shadow of darkness

From beginning to end
We cycle through life
Starting as buds 
Coexisting with those in full bloom
Exuding the fragrance of togetherness
Like divine perfume

The epitome of the coexistence is… 
the beauty in death—is life eternal 

For those that know
They escape the infernal

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

When I...

When I walk I walk alone
But in my walk I'm not alone

When I search I search to find
But what I find I cannot see

When I dream I dream to have
But what I have I cannot keep

When I think I think of much
In that much I learn to give

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Growth

In an earlier post I shared about my experience in North Georgia with the oil dripping from the bible. I shared a link in the post that tells the story of the oil, so I won’t explain that in this post. On the site  there is a space for sharing testimonies; this is what I shared on the site:

It’s gone! I can’t believe it! But I believe it!! I had an awesome experience visiting the Bible dripping with oil back in April 2019 with two wonderful friends. We had an awesome opportunity to pray with John and his wife Eileen in the prayer room at the Grace 251 bookstore. In November 2018 I had a large growth surgically removed from my eye and was disappointed when I discovered another one was growing on the same eye. Eileen anointed my eye with the oil and prayed the growth would melt away. In the days after I would periodically check my eye to see if it was gone—it was a great test of my faith each time I felt the growth still there. On May 23rd I was sharing my experiences of the North Georgia Revival and helping bottle the oil with a friend I had sent some of the oil to; as I was sharing about the prayer in the prayer room and being at the altar in the theater the following day I touched my eye where the growth was and it was gone—it melted away!! Praise God! In the midst of sharing my experiences God healed my eye.

My testimony proves what was said in the service that the miracle of the oil happens away from the site where the oil drips. I was prayed for while I was there, but nothing happened there. It’s also not about the oil itself but what we believe about God and what He can do. Jerry, the former owner of the bible, said God told him, “if I can make oil drip from a bible—I can do anything”.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

When They See Us

(Dedicated to the Central Park Five)

When they see us

They see our black

In our black…

They see worthless

They see bad

They see no good

They see unintelligible

They see dispensable

They fail to see a happy bright shining star

They fail to see us for who we really are

It’s not what they see

It’s what they are filled with…hatred

When they act on what they feel rather than look deep and really see

The light in the shining star begins to fade

And we cease to be who we really are

Our outlook turns to despair

And where we’re going turns out to be nowhere

When things get tough and hard

And we’re thrust into a world full of anger and void

Just hold on and look up

There is always the grace of God

He dwells with us in our terrible place—sets things in order

And cause His love and mercy to shine on our face

Righteousness is delivered to us on a silver platter

And in His eyes—what they see when they see us

…doesn’t really matter