Friday, June 28, 2019

What Can We Do

In my previous post I expressed my view on homosexuality. I have since engaged in some research on how the church should respond to this issue. I was struck by a passage I read in a pamphlet entitled “How Should We Respond? - An exhortation to the church on loving the homosexual” By Joe Dallas

"If you have a homosexual loved one, relative, friend or co-worker, you can do them a powerful service by asking them, “What is life like for you? I want to know you. I want to hear about your experience. I want you to know I’m interested in you, not as an object of conversion,  but as someone I care about."

How different could we be if this was our sincere response...I have a whole new perspective on my emotions.

Joe also brought out some very convicting points on how the church has responded and how we should respond. While I’m not faced in my personal space with anyone struggling with this I do see it everyday on the media and wonder how to react if I am faced with it up close and personal. If like me you are wondering how to respond I suggest reading the literature I mentioned above. You can find it among other resources here:  

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