Saturday, June 22, 2019

We Need Real Men

Will the real men please stand up...

There are not enough real men anymore. Every time I look at tv I spot a man with female tendencies; the sad part—he’s proud of it.... it grieves my heart.

Where have the real men gone...

Why are they are turning to each other...

It is interesting that the gay community use the word "pride" when pride is the fall of man. Our men are falling, we are losing them.

On a segment of Sister Circle Live, Bishop Clyde Allen founder of The Vision Cathedral of Atlanta known as “The Vision Church” was hailed as setting many gay people free and helping them live in their truth. What he refuses to see and acknowledge is "their truth" is a lie.

His quote: "if you don’t live in your truth, you die in your lie". (He got big applause)

I say: "you are confused about the truth, and already dead in your just don’t know it". (I wonder what kind of applause will I get)

I already know...backlash and ridicule, because the people in that lifestyle (and its supporters) can’t handle the truth. They talk louder and more often to hush the voice of conviction so they can continue to feel comfortable in their lie.

We need real men that are not being persuaded by this lie to refute what the enemy is trying to steal and stand up for what is morally right so we can have more real men.

Unfortunately, more women are starting to live that same lie.

What would happen if every male and female decided they were gay and lived a homosexual lifestyle...
What would happen to procreation in the world...
...the human race would cease to exist...

If gay men and women don’t recognize the real truth they will die in their lie.

Real men…stand up—we need you.

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