Monday, August 19, 2019

The Light

Where are you when the light shines on you

Are you standing in the shadows so only a portion of you captures the light

Are you standing full blown so all of you displays the light

How are you capturing the light

Where are you

Are you like the lampstand that’s hidden under a bushel

Are you a mighty tower shining on a hill

So in the face of darkness you know how to stand strong and still


Sunday, August 18, 2019


...the beauty I seek

That Renaissance Man

I’m ready for that Renaissance Man

The one that descends from the spirit of the Almighty

The one that soars on the wings of an eagle

Embracing the storm on a quiet sea

I’m ready for that man that will look beyond the obvious

And see the best in me

That renaissance man that gives his all to Thee

That knows when to laugh—and knows how to cry

He can touch the soul of my heart with the look in his eye

That renaissance man that can reason the answer to the question—why

That man that governs his home serving the Master on high

I’m ready for that renaissance man

The one that descends from the creator of the earth and sky

He prevails in the waters that run very deep

He conquers the mountains when they get a little steep

He knows when to slow down and rest in peaceful sleep

Where is that renaissance man

The one that in marriage will come and take my hand

Love me in obedience according to the Master’s plan

The Master—where he draws his strength to carry me through the sinking sand

I’m ready for my renaissance man

That man—the one who only exists in Jesus

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Message Butterfly

As a butterfly lover and nature photographer I long to capture a butterfly gliding effortlessly in the air with a beautiful background. My cousin has a green thumb that produces a beautiful yard in front and back, so butterflies constantly add to the scene. I’ve been watching them all summer and sometimes chasing them like a small child, not to capture them in my hand as I did when I was a child; but to capture them with my camera. I was successful one day in making a capture, however, without the beautiful background (see my post Answered Prayer). This morning was no different; I’m sitting on the front patio watching them flying around just out of my reach with the backdrop I desire but again so swift it’s hard to capture the full scene.  

 The difference in this morning as I sit on the patio they are flying around amid my praying and texting prayer warriors to pray for a family crisis. I’m teetering on the edge of worry when suddenly, a butterfly flutters right up in front of me, about a foot from my face…he paused for a quick second like he was talking to me. He didn’t linger long... just long enough for me to want to get a photograph but couldn’t because I was in the middle of texting.

 After I prayed and sent the messages, I couldn’t stop thinking about how close I came to getting the shot I’ve been wanting all summer; then I realized he came not to be photographed, he came bearing a message…to keep me calm and not to worry; God’s got this! He was a messenger that did not have to speak words, the beauty in his wings against the blueness of the sky spoke volumes that confirmed God’s control.

 Thank You Lord.


Wednesday, August 14, 2019