Sunday, July 28, 2019

Comfortable Favorites

You ever want to walk up to someone that’s sitting at your favorite table at your favorite Starbucks and say, "excuse me, you’re sitting at my table" all the while smiling politely. That’s how I feel right now, that lady is in my favorite place. 😏
I keep watching for her to leave so I can grab my spot.
With that said we often get stuck in comfortable places. God says branch out, I can bring you comfort in new places.
As I was writing that last sentence I looked up and the lady had been replaced by a couple. When did she leave?! Now I’m forced to stay in this new spot since I didn’t grab my opportunity to get my favorite one back.
Do I like this new spot...not really, it’s not comfortable or familiar; the view is different, the feel is not the same. Is that a bad thing? Probably not. It’s a new experience in the same place with a different perspective. I’m sure there is a lesson in this and could be considered a God moment.
Strange thing...this is the second time this has happened, in separate locations (I have several favorite Starbucks locations with a favorite spot in each one).
The couple finally left and I ceased my opportunity to get my spot, and guess feels good to be home.
Moral: What feels good to you feels good to others too...share the comfort.

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