Father God, this has been a rough week of medical diagnosis
for my breast and my eyes.
I thank You that the results from the biopsy will show no
more signs of calcification. They are totally cancer free. I thank You that the
damage to my optic nerve will be undamaged; the things I have lost vision wise
will be restored and the macular degeneration will cease. Lord, You are a
healer and a restorer. Thank You for restoring what the worm has eaten and give
me a testimony to tell of Your wondrous works. In the name of Jesus! Amen!
Oct 26, 2024 at 1:12PM
God gave me a gift tonight
As He held my fragile feelings in His hands
Whispering it’s going to be alright
He gave me His heart wrapped in love
With this gift I immerse myself in the peace that transcends
all things that go wrong
Thankful it is a gift that smothers the longing for
perfection amidst the complex things that life brings
Perfection is not an entity that dwells in our earthly
Things go wrong
When they do we seek answers to the question why
The truth of the why is a reality we are hard pressed to
Perfection is not wrapped in silver linings and presented on
leaves of gold
Imperfection is real and health is fragile
When it’s good it lifts us up
When it’s bad it tears us down
Sending our countenance tumbling to the ground
Drowning in a frown—grappling with the pain of what went
As I grapple Lord—open my eyes to receive the gift of
healing that’s wrapped in Your love
Train them to look up and see—that You are good
If suffering precedes the healing help me remember—I can
revel in a remedy that wraps me in protective arms allowing me to
float on a sea of turbulent calm
Sustaining…surviving—while love unfurls the gift that
encircles the pain
Like the beauty of a golden chain
Your heart of love is Your gift to me in this season of
hearing what I don’t want to hear—as You teach me NOT to walk in fear
I take this moment I’m in right now and walk triumphantly
Giving ALL my deepening praise to You
Moments only last for a season
And in all things You have a reason
For every mountain You brought me over
You have given me a gift
For every valley You have brought me through
You have given me a gift
For this gift—I am grateful
Life doesn’t always give us what we want
When it doesn’t—we must learn how to find happiness and
peace in what we have
What we have is the gift of God’s heart
Wrapped in His love
Oct 27, 2024 at 10:26PM
Lord, there are mountains and valleys in the political realm
and health wise. Father, my prayer is that You remove the mountains. They say
what is lost and damaged in the eyes cannot be restored. Father, I know what
man cannot do You can. If You can raise the dead, You can heal a damaged optic
nerve, it is in a lesser state than death and with You all things are possible.
You can make the impossible possible. That is the power of Your name and Your
will. If You will it to be done—it shall he done! They are calling for an
appointment with radiology, at the moment, I don’t know what that means. My
first thought is the c-word. There are one of two things that will happen with
these mountains: You will move them, or You will take me over them. My
preference is they be moved. How I would love to testify to receiving what they
said couldn’t be done. With You all things are possible! Thank You Father for
working in my life. Thank You that Your will be done. I don’t want to drink
from the bitter cup of going through the process of surviving the c; I want to
testify to the supernatural removal of it in Jesus’ name!
Father God, our country, The United States of America is in
a sad state right now. We are on the verge of the most detrimental election in
my lifetime. Lord, either the candidate that can get this country back on track
will win or the one that will lead us deeper into the wilderness will win. I
don’t know which is which. Both sides think their candidate is the one that
will make us prosperous. Father, I don’t have much confidence in either one.
This I do know whichever one takes the Oval Office You are in control and those
that seek You and follow Your statues will survive the turmoil. Thank You Lord
that Your saints will rise up and not falter in this battle; for we wrestle not
with flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness in high places. Thank You that
Your mighty hand is stretched across this nation and Your Will—will be done in
the MIGHTY NAME of JESUS!! Amen.
🎶For every mountain You
brought of over. For every trial You’ve seen me through…🎶
Oct 28, 2024 at 9:24AM
Sitting in a small office I heard what I didn’t want to hear
What do you do when you hear someone say you have cancer
Do you smile and gird yourself up because you know God is in
control—or do you cry
Me…I took a breath and listened with my head slightly
Fought back the tear that welled in my right eye as I tried
to take in what I was hearing
As I walked out the door a gentle breeze carried me to my
car where I sat and let the tears fall
Amazing how tears can fall and you are not crying
As I wiped the tears away I told the devil he was a liar
With a pensive countenance I didn’t smile
In quiet courage I knew God was in control
I started my car and pulled away in quiet resolve…singing
with Lisa Page Brooks:
🎶the devil is a liar, yah
yah yah yah—victory is mine YEAH…yah yah yah yah🎶
Nov 1, 2024 at 4:19PM
I want to run
I want to scream
I want to cry
But most if all…
I need You Lord!
And I won’t ask the inevitable—why
I need to hear Your voice telling me how I can clear my
insides of what I don’t want to feel
My deepest desire is to shout—I am HEALED!
You can do all things when we ask in Your name
You healed the blind man
Please for me—do the same
Nov 2, 2024 at 9:30AM
I walk
I sing
I pray
This prevailing feeling Lord…please take it away
A depression I don’t want to feel
Feeling joy would make what I want to become more real
Surround this feeling that’s trying to take me down
With the fruits of Your spirit as they embrace me all
When I hear Your voice—in Your will I will rejoice
Nov 2, 2024 at 11:14AM
When depression overtakes you, you sometimes want to die
Leave this earth and soar beyond the sky
In Your heart you want Jesus to reign
You find solace in the words "to live is Christ to die
is gain"
You focus on the dying
For in that you would no longer feel the pain
A gentle voice reminds you…though dying is a gain—focus on
the living
That’s where you bring honor to My name
Nov 2, 2024 at 11:39AM
Here I lay with scriptural music on my chest
Covering the cancer they say is in my breast
Scriptural music speaking life to my bones
Saying cancer leave me alone
You have no place in my life
Be gone with your misery and your strife
Cancer…my faith you won’t rattle
I’m ready to fight this ensuing battle
Cancer…leave me alone
In this body you have no home
So cancer…be gone
And take with you this annoying hematoma; you
won’t invade this fragrant spiritual aroma…that is filling my place and
putting a smile on my face
So cancer…just…be gone
Nov 5, 2024 at 9:11AM
At this moment…
I’m trying to catch up with myself in where I am with all of
Sometimes a wave of emotions hit me in the pit of my stomach
with a gravity that could be overwhelming…if I let it
I meet that feeling head on and let it ride its way out of
my spirit and soul
Then I return to the faith that is growing inside of me in
spite of what is and what could be
Nov 5, 2024 at 3:48PM
I believe I have supernatural victory over cancer in Jesus’
name!! A large part of His ministry was healing…He hasn’t changed!
Nov 6, 2024 at 10:01AM
Temptation comes to everyone. When it comes it tests your
faith…if you have none the test is hard.
Nov 6, 2024 at 10:14AM
Good and evil exist in the world. Evil can be a catalyst for
suffering. God never promised us we wouldn’t suffer…He promised us He would be
with us through the suffering. Thank You Father for being there…always showing
me how much You really care.
Nov 6, 2024 at 10:16AM