Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Why Do Some Men...

find it necessary to hide their wives—not in a literal sense, but hiding her by not revealing his connection in marital bliss?

He was very easy on the eye, the muscles popping through his shirt were breathtaking and he had a smile to match. His easygoing manner made you want to sit and talk to him everyday—and that Denzel Washington walk—you just stared, somehow glad he was leaving you behind yet wanting to walk with him. He gave a persona of being open and was sending an electrifying invitation. My female-ticker was getting excited anticipating his availability.

However, being the cautious person I am, I sit back, listen and observe waiting for him to show his character. It is times like this I am glad I have a cautious nature. His every move and conversation said I’m available, but overhearing a conversation revealed a truth his glance toward me didn’t want me to know. His downward look spoke more volumes than the words—my wife.

Being a single woman I am always going to look and wonder when a new male prospect comes into the workplace. If I didn’t I would know for sure death’s door was nearby. Prior to “Mr. Muscle with the congenial aire” my female ticker went into action when another set of muscles came on the scene and I went through the usual wonderings. There is, however, a stark difference in the encounters. What sets this experience apart from the aforementioned was his upfront admittance of marital bliss, so much so I wanted to slap him every time he blatantly threw it in my face. He got a joy out of saying—my wife. I now see he had a perception I’m ashamed to admit he picked up on. He was protecting his wife and letting me know he was not available.

In retrospect, I have a respect for Mr. My Wife that is unparallel to Mr. Congenial Muscles. Why didn’t he reveal his marital status? Did my observant nature wait and see his true character revealed? Or maybe his marital bliss is a marital miss. Whatever the case—why do some men hide their wives?

1 comment:

dbk said...

so many reasons...the thrill of the hunt maybe, or perhaps an unsatisfying marital situation, immaturity, low self esteem, desire for illicit encounters...yet this guy did eventually say he was married, so I am guessing it was just harmless flirtation from his perspective and he was sad when it had to end...
men are funny creatures